Sunday, 2 May 2010

Celebrating Africa

Im so proud to be from such a rich Continent that I have decided not only to make bags out of Ankara alone, but to incoporate the different fabrics I have seen in other countries. I love the woven texture and look of the Kente cloth from Ghana and the unique prints that emerge from hand dyed Amafu prints from South Africa and wonderfully diverse Kudinda fabrics from Zimbabwe.

Kente Cloth

Amafu Print

Kudinda fabric

1 comment:

  1. 1.嘎志 毘嘎志 若喀 札夏 嘛尼 梭哈

    2.唵 班雜 別噶 札嘛 吽

    3.達列 達列 達阿呀 拔噶哇爹 邊達摩雜餒 梭哈

    4.那摩拔噶哇爹 悟尼卡牙 達列 達仁爹耶梭哈

    5.爹呀他 班扎 班扎 嘛哈班扎 薩哇 巴呀地 哈那 哈那 班扎那梭哈

    6.唵 沙瓦尼瓦那 比堪匹尼 吽吽呸

    7.唵 自松 自松 梭哈

    8.嘿 嘿 拉尤 拔大呀

    9.唵 薩哇 作拉 踏讓咩 吽梭哈

    10.那摩 拔噶哇爹 悟尼卡牙 達列 讓爹 梭哈

    11.唵 拔噶哇爹 休地密日(字)地 拔拉 拔拉 哇 阿麻 悉地梭哈

    12.爹呀他 卡利 卡利 拔利爹 梭哈 爹呀他 嘎哇匝 噶那 阿拉爹 梭哈

    13.唵 阿必惹 吽 嘎雜那 (唵 嘎貝那嘎母娑哈)

    14.oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ

    15.Ah Ah Sha Sa Ma Ha pu long suo ha


    18.爹呀他唵牟尼牟尼嘛哈牟尼 釋迦牟尼耶梭哈




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